Deadbolt Door
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
There's something interesting about time. The way we perceive it, yet we humans are the only ones capable of measuring it. No object or animal on the planet measures it. Over time you become reminiscent and more understanding of the fact that you must make every moment worth something, turn tomorrow into extravagance, or fail and live a bored and tired life.
I was on facebook and made this post: "Growing older creates a new battle everyday. That battle to remember those times of glory and the urge to make new glorious memories. Sometimes its difficult to do the latter, when the former is so certain."
Another year of my life is drawing to a close. Just last year I had landed in the states after spending a year in Korea. Whats interesting is that while I was in Korea I felt like my life was so important. I would blog constantly, sometimes misusing the internet to try to gain attention or hurt people. Over the past year I've blogged twice..I think. I guess my life has just become more mundane.
Though I have a fervor for my life still. I've just found it more difficult to talk about. I spent six months in's the biggest city in Kansas, about 45 minutes from where I'm from, Hutchinson. I was attending Wichita State University, which was both very eye opening and a tad belittling. The school is pretty massive.
I know, not the biggest school you've ever seen...but I did get my associates degree from a rinky dink little community college where I could see every building if I just stood in the quad. Nevertheless, it was a bit of a change.
While there I met some truly amazing people! For the first time in my life I was living in a city that actually had its own gay scene. It was fascinating. Though at times I felt that I was doing a sociological study on them, I found that we all had much in common and was capable of integrating myself into their group well enough. The most interesting part was finding that half of the people I knew were drag queens.
It took me six months to learn and finally get the guts to dress myself up as a woman...that and dating a guy for a day who sold me his drag memorabilia...long story that's probably too personal to be putting on the interwebs so I'll just leave it at that.
...and at that Phara Moan was born.
...before you judge too harshly, keep in mind this was the first time EVER that I dressed up as a woman. I don't particularly like the wig, I think I'm going to get a darker color, but this is my drag alter ego...sort of.
I don't really intend on lip syncing or going all out. To me I'd much rather appear as a real woman from time to time when I go to the gay club or a house party. I'm proud though. Proud that I can be who I want to be without caring about others opinions...especially in small town, conservative Kansas.
I moved though. I'm out of Wichita and back in Hutchinson...and now I'm wondering why in heaven I ever thought to LEAVE! I'm going to be attending Sterling College, in Sterling KS. Closer to home so I can live there rent free and finish school.
To be honest, I just want to finish school and move back home, to Washington. It's been calling me back for some time now. It's getting to be that time when I hurry things along and my state proud. :)
So, even as time passes I'll strive to make tomorrow worth something...and I'll try to blog more often should anyone care to read.
Steven...and Phara, out. ^^
Drag Queen,
Phara Moan,
Sterling College,
Wichita State University
Thursday, April 12, 2012
The truth is hard to come by
I learned very recently about an aspect of the Republican Party that I never realized.
They held primary elections at 7:00am – 1:00pm or so. What does that mean? It means the only people who attended were old people who have nothing better to do. Now what does THAT mean? That means only the most conservative people voted during primaries.
It’s discrimination. It’s blatant undermining of freedom. It isn’t FAIR.
…and the most sickening aspect about it is that there are so many aspects of our society, our government and our world that isn’t fair. People have been manipulating the system to their advantage since the system was born.
These choices…these underhanded means to maintain power…have long lasting, critical effects on our culture and on us as people. They feel as if they don’t talk about it that we’ll never know. In a way their right, but they can’t keep the truth from everyone.
Why do we use cars that are fueled by gasoline? Did you know the first engine made was fueled by biodiesel, a clean energy source derived from left-over food oils? The people in charge of fossil fuels didn’t want to lose money or have competition, so he worked with his friends to get gasoline pushed as the main energy source for car engines.
Why do we cut down trees to use for paper? Did you know that hemp was going to be the main plant staple for our paper needs? The paper company didn’t want to have competition and since they had strong ties with government officials…well…it was easy to place a massive stigma on hemp and marijuana.
Hemp and marijuana come from the same family but work entirely differently. Hemp doesn’t have THC at all, the chemical in marijuana that gets you high. Even if you plant hemp next to marijuana the hemp will overpower the marijuana. That and it’s a WEED! That means it can grow pretty much anywhere and will grow back quickly. Now tell me how that’s worse in comparison to using trees which take a long time to grow back?
Why has there been almost no new treatments for cancer since the 70s? Did you know that Dr. Burzynski of Texas found that people who have cancer lack antineoplastons, a chemical in the cell that tells it not to create cancer cells? He found that if you pump someone with cancer with them that the cancer, tumor and will reduce or even go into remission. Why haven’t we heard more about this!? Think of all of the money that the National Cancer Foundation gets from all of their donations to find a cure. Think of all of the money that goes into the drugs for chemotherapy and radiation equipment. Imagine if all of people who got that money didn’t get it. Wouldn’t they be upset?
What about HIV and Aids? Is there something we’re not being informed of there?
This corporate system is grotesque. It may not even be so bad if everyone adopted more of a caring of human needs and took into mind the health of the planet and the body. No one cares though. MONEY is the most important. The way in which others live. Pointless. The pain others are put in. Pointless. Equality. Pointless.
I don’t have all the answers. I don’t know how we’re going to fix this…but more people need to know about the atrocious means that those in power use to veil the truth from us and steal our money, our lives and our humanity.
Watch Burzynski the movie.
Educate yourself on politics and current affairs.
…and as conspiracy theorists as it sounds for me to say…
Don’t trust mainstream media.
Hunger for the truth and find it.
They held primary elections at 7:00am – 1:00pm or so. What does that mean? It means the only people who attended were old people who have nothing better to do. Now what does THAT mean? That means only the most conservative people voted during primaries.
It’s discrimination. It’s blatant undermining of freedom. It isn’t FAIR.
…and the most sickening aspect about it is that there are so many aspects of our society, our government and our world that isn’t fair. People have been manipulating the system to their advantage since the system was born.
These choices…these underhanded means to maintain power…have long lasting, critical effects on our culture and on us as people. They feel as if they don’t talk about it that we’ll never know. In a way their right, but they can’t keep the truth from everyone.
Why do we use cars that are fueled by gasoline? Did you know the first engine made was fueled by biodiesel, a clean energy source derived from left-over food oils? The people in charge of fossil fuels didn’t want to lose money or have competition, so he worked with his friends to get gasoline pushed as the main energy source for car engines.
Why do we cut down trees to use for paper? Did you know that hemp was going to be the main plant staple for our paper needs? The paper company didn’t want to have competition and since they had strong ties with government officials…well…it was easy to place a massive stigma on hemp and marijuana.
Hemp and marijuana come from the same family but work entirely differently. Hemp doesn’t have THC at all, the chemical in marijuana that gets you high. Even if you plant hemp next to marijuana the hemp will overpower the marijuana. That and it’s a WEED! That means it can grow pretty much anywhere and will grow back quickly. Now tell me how that’s worse in comparison to using trees which take a long time to grow back?
Why has there been almost no new treatments for cancer since the 70s? Did you know that Dr. Burzynski of Texas found that people who have cancer lack antineoplastons, a chemical in the cell that tells it not to create cancer cells? He found that if you pump someone with cancer with them that the cancer, tumor and will reduce or even go into remission. Why haven’t we heard more about this!? Think of all of the money that the National Cancer Foundation gets from all of their donations to find a cure. Think of all of the money that goes into the drugs for chemotherapy and radiation equipment. Imagine if all of people who got that money didn’t get it. Wouldn’t they be upset?
What about HIV and Aids? Is there something we’re not being informed of there?
This corporate system is grotesque. It may not even be so bad if everyone adopted more of a caring of human needs and took into mind the health of the planet and the body. No one cares though. MONEY is the most important. The way in which others live. Pointless. The pain others are put in. Pointless. Equality. Pointless.
I don’t have all the answers. I don’t know how we’re going to fix this…but more people need to know about the atrocious means that those in power use to veil the truth from us and steal our money, our lives and our humanity.
Watch Burzynski the movie.
Educate yourself on politics and current affairs.
…and as conspiracy theorists as it sounds for me to say…
Don’t trust mainstream media.
Hunger for the truth and find it.
The truth is hard to come by,
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
My feminist is showing
I've been taking this Women in Popular Culture class and it's really been changing the way I see the portrayal of minority groups in the eyes of the mainstream culture...almost to a frightening degree.
I don't like to be the party pooper who ruins all the fun, but sometimes I wonder if we even realize how discriminatory we are just in the ways we joke with one another. For instance, many endearing terms for friends is calling them a bitch or a whore. It's violent! All the ways in which we joke about, "if you don't do this, I'll cut you!"
Violence is pervasive in our culture. It's what happens when we live in a rape culture. Have you ever wondered why we ask some of the questions we ask rapees? Like, "What were you wearing?" "What were you doing?" "Were you drinking?" Some of these questions we don't ask for any other why do we ask?
Because we blame the victim.
And who knows why this is? Maybe because men feel that they are entitled to rape. It shouldn't matter what a woman is wearing, she shouldn't be raped. Men aren't held to the same standards. If I was raped, no one would ask me, "What were you wearing?" It's a great trick my woman studies professor told me about. If you're questioning whether something is belittling to women then just switch the gender and see if it would be fair. Once you switch the roles it can become much more apparent who gets the short end of the stick.
Even in this atrocious New York Times article you can get a taste of what I'm talking about. They blame an 11 year old girl...she's 11! Do you think she asked to get raped?
Rape is rape. It doesn't matter if the girl was drinking and using drugs. If you have sex and the next day she wakes up and said she didn't want was RAPE!
Now, I can't go without talking about the other side. We live in a society where we encourage men to pursue. The proliferation of the idea that "no means maybe" is everywhere! The thing that's wrong about this is that even if she doesn't say no, if she doesn't want it it is rape.
It's difficult to please everyone. There are those really great guys who ask and then the girl uses it against him. Perhaps that's where all of the female degradation of rape stems from...but no one can deny the obvious demeaning of women that occurs in our culture surrounded by rape and violence.
There's so much more I could delve into here...but I'll save it for subsequent blogs. What's important is that we become more understanding of the influence media has on all of us and the enlightenment to the fact that we live in a rape culture. That's where it all begins...and once we begin it we can work towards stamping it out for good.
I don't like to be the party pooper who ruins all the fun, but sometimes I wonder if we even realize how discriminatory we are just in the ways we joke with one another. For instance, many endearing terms for friends is calling them a bitch or a whore. It's violent! All the ways in which we joke about, "if you don't do this, I'll cut you!"
Violence is pervasive in our culture. It's what happens when we live in a rape culture. Have you ever wondered why we ask some of the questions we ask rapees? Like, "What were you wearing?" "What were you doing?" "Were you drinking?" Some of these questions we don't ask for any other why do we ask?
Because we blame the victim.
And who knows why this is? Maybe because men feel that they are entitled to rape. It shouldn't matter what a woman is wearing, she shouldn't be raped. Men aren't held to the same standards. If I was raped, no one would ask me, "What were you wearing?" It's a great trick my woman studies professor told me about. If you're questioning whether something is belittling to women then just switch the gender and see if it would be fair. Once you switch the roles it can become much more apparent who gets the short end of the stick.
Even in this atrocious New York Times article you can get a taste of what I'm talking about. They blame an 11 year old girl...she's 11! Do you think she asked to get raped?
Rape is rape. It doesn't matter if the girl was drinking and using drugs. If you have sex and the next day she wakes up and said she didn't want was RAPE!
Now, I can't go without talking about the other side. We live in a society where we encourage men to pursue. The proliferation of the idea that "no means maybe" is everywhere! The thing that's wrong about this is that even if she doesn't say no, if she doesn't want it it is rape.
It's difficult to please everyone. There are those really great guys who ask and then the girl uses it against him. Perhaps that's where all of the female degradation of rape stems from...but no one can deny the obvious demeaning of women that occurs in our culture surrounded by rape and violence.
There's so much more I could delve into here...but I'll save it for subsequent blogs. What's important is that we become more understanding of the influence media has on all of us and the enlightenment to the fact that we live in a rape culture. That's where it all begins...and once we begin it we can work towards stamping it out for good.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Peace. Love. Equality.
Time sure flies doesn't it.
Welp, it's been a while since I blogged. It's been nine months since I left South Korea. It's been the same time since I blogged as well.
There was a fight between me and my friends and blogger was one of the methods we used to torment each other. Since then I had a bad impression of blogging so I didn't for quite some time. Alas, here I am.
At length I was debating on what I would write about, but I've decided I'd write about the new discrimination law that's passed the house and is on it's way to the senate. This bill, if passed, will nullify any ordinance or mandate protecting Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered individuals in existence based solely on religious freedom.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm entirely for the practice of religion. Everyone ought to have the right to practice what religion they wish. We live in a "free" society don't we (I'll get into that later)? I didn't realize that my sexual preference detoured anyone from the freedom to practice pre-said religion. However, lawmakers are saying, "Why should I change my religious beliefs for something I find immoral?"
I've been very avid in the rights of the LGBT community, especially since I am a member of that community. If we stay quiet and don't say anything how will anything ever change? Jesus told us to love one another despite ANY differences. Jesus was friends with tax collectors and prostitutes. He loved EVERYONE. We shouldn't pick and choose who we love because God's love is unconditional. If we wish to emulate God we must translate unconditional love. This blog speaks perfectly what I'm talking about.
Facebook is a great way for young people to communicate and get our opinions out there for everyone to see. I've been very verbal about my opinion on human rights on my wall. This is one image I came across on facebook that should enlighten closed minded Christians.

...but I'm not here to change peoples views or beliefs or morals. What I'm trying to get at here is that there are always going to be gay people. There is always going to be people who feel that they are mentally the opposite gender that they were born. There is always going to be women and separate races and (enter minority group here). What's the use of trying to stamp it out or continue in being traditional and not revolutionary? The LGBT community won't go away, so why don't we learn to all live together in peace and not try to change anyone?
If America is known for its freedom then why are the people in control trying to keep it from us? Because not enough of us are speaking out. Nothing will change if it stays the same.
I encourage you to write to members of the senate, the house, your state governors, the president even, that you support HUMAN RIGHTS...because gay rights are still HUMAN RIGHTS.
Don't discriminate. Instead actuate.
Actuate what?
This = Peace. Love. Equality.
Spread the word and make a difference!
EDIT: Here is a link to an article in the Advocate concerning the subject.
Welp, it's been a while since I blogged. It's been nine months since I left South Korea. It's been the same time since I blogged as well.
There was a fight between me and my friends and blogger was one of the methods we used to torment each other. Since then I had a bad impression of blogging so I didn't for quite some time. Alas, here I am.
At length I was debating on what I would write about, but I've decided I'd write about the new discrimination law that's passed the house and is on it's way to the senate. This bill, if passed, will nullify any ordinance or mandate protecting Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered individuals in existence based solely on religious freedom.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm entirely for the practice of religion. Everyone ought to have the right to practice what religion they wish. We live in a "free" society don't we (I'll get into that later)? I didn't realize that my sexual preference detoured anyone from the freedom to practice pre-said religion. However, lawmakers are saying, "Why should I change my religious beliefs for something I find immoral?"
I've been very avid in the rights of the LGBT community, especially since I am a member of that community. If we stay quiet and don't say anything how will anything ever change? Jesus told us to love one another despite ANY differences. Jesus was friends with tax collectors and prostitutes. He loved EVERYONE. We shouldn't pick and choose who we love because God's love is unconditional. If we wish to emulate God we must translate unconditional love. This blog speaks perfectly what I'm talking about.
Facebook is a great way for young people to communicate and get our opinions out there for everyone to see. I've been very verbal about my opinion on human rights on my wall. This is one image I came across on facebook that should enlighten closed minded Christians.

...but I'm not here to change peoples views or beliefs or morals. What I'm trying to get at here is that there are always going to be gay people. There is always going to be people who feel that they are mentally the opposite gender that they were born. There is always going to be women and separate races and (enter minority group here). What's the use of trying to stamp it out or continue in being traditional and not revolutionary? The LGBT community won't go away, so why don't we learn to all live together in peace and not try to change anyone?
If America is known for its freedom then why are the people in control trying to keep it from us? Because not enough of us are speaking out. Nothing will change if it stays the same.
I encourage you to write to members of the senate, the house, your state governors, the president even, that you support HUMAN RIGHTS...because gay rights are still HUMAN RIGHTS.
Don't discriminate. Instead actuate.
Actuate what?
This = Peace. Love. Equality.
Spread the word and make a difference!
EDIT: Here is a link to an article in the Advocate concerning the subject.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Tabit by TriGem (Averatec)
EDIT: My Korean friend helped me update my tablet on TriGem's Korean website. While this update obviously isn't available to American products, I'm certain that it will come automatically setup in the American ones. Anyway, I don't have problems with the lock screen anymore, so no worries. It stays on now. ^^. Also, in case you were wondering, it doesn't run Honeycomb. It runs Froyo.
So there's a new tablet out on the marketplace. Only thing I've found is that there is NO info on it that I can find.
TriGem is a Korean computer/laptop/netbook brand. Personally, I had never heard of the company before. I found out after I bought the product.
Anyway, I'm living in Korea right now and I've been wanting an Android tablet for quite some time, what, being in a country where the Galaxy Tab reigns supreme. However, I don't like the small size of the first Galaxy tab so I was waiting for the Galaxy tab II to come out. But, Korea decided to delay its release (they released it in the states which seems a bit backwards to open in another country first) to decide weather or not to add some television capacities on it or not.
Well, I was impatient so I bought the TriGem, the first large Android tablet out to the Korean public. I nabbed it, thinking I had duped everyone.
On the contrary, I'm a tad disappointed in it. I can't complain though, it IS an Android tablet, but there's just some things that urk me about it.
Let's begin. Okay, I've owned it for about a week and about every time I turn it on it takes about 3 minutes. 3. That's so long to wait for something to turn on. That's like waiting for my computer. It bores me. Also, while yes, you can lock the screen, but if you leave it locked for too long the device turns off by itself. I assume (because there are no English versions of a user manual that I've found because NO ONE who speaks English owns one's not out in the states. Also, the lock is difficult to get to. You have to hold the power button down and hit a button on the screen called suspend, instead of lock). As I said, I think the makers did this as a everyone wants their tablet to turn off when they forget to do it themselves. Personally, I'd rather let it die on accident then have to turn it on and wait 3 minutes again to do a quick music or wifi search or even listen to some tunes.
There's a rotate lock on the top right of the device, right between the power button and the back button. I really LOVE the position of these buttons, but I'd rather have a screen lock button (and one that doesn't shut off my tablet) than a rotate screen one.
There have been times where I turned on the tablet and it had trouble just opening a couple of generic apps like settings, sometimes even freezing and forcing me to turn off the tablet again to make it work.
The native music app annoyed me (though maybe not everyone) because it tried to organize my music...but I organized it already in its folder so I didn't want to mess with it. Luckily, I downloaded an app that lets me play music straight from a folder. Nice.
Alright, other than some starting-up hiccups, the tablet does what you need to do. Now, if you're running too many apps it's going to freeze up again. I had a few apps running in the back and tried to play angry birds but it froze mid shot. However, I'm really anal about my devices and I don't run many apps together at the same time because I'm worried my device will explode. O.o
The sound that comes out of the headset isn't as rich as I'd like. Perhaps a twinge of metallicness and the volume control kind of blows too. The volume buttons are located to the right side of the device on the side. But it's annoying because the click either makes it too loud or too soft. I can't get a good volume while listening to music.
I haven't watched anything on it yet. Perhaps I'll add that later when I've tried.
I've read e-books on it and it's really good for that. The big screen is great for it. The tablet is kind of heavy, but it's not like I'm some Grandpa...I'll survive.
What does it look like? It's quite square, kind of thick, with audio jack, charger jack, usb slot, sd card slot, hdmi slot, on the right side and a jack at the bottom too (I asked my Korean friend right here to read the manual for me and tell me what it's for but he said it's not anything. Just for show. I kind of doubt it but I don't know. It's small, thin and looks kind of like an iPhone jack). It's (the tablet) about as thick as a pen...maybe an inch or a very slight amount more.
All added information is added straight onto the sd card. The device has a very small amount of memory, used primarily for its native apps, widgets and personal information. Oh, and the usb drive only works for syncing. All of the other reviews are going to tell you it has a usb drive, but don't get all excited. It can't read an external hard drive. That's one of the biggest reasons I grabbed it up so fast. I was going to watch all of my videos off of a flash drive. That dream was squashed very quickly when I shoved in my usb drive.
Wait, I can't forget the camera. It's a like...1.3 (I think. My friend can't find it in the manual. Anyway, it's bad, trust me) megapixel camera and there's only one, facing your direction, on the same side as the screen. It sort of makes the bar code scanner app a little difficult, but I've tried it and it works. You definitely aren't going to be taking great pictures with this camera. It also takes video but I haven't even tried and nor am I going to. We all KNOW how that will turn out.
It was cheap though. Comparably about 360 usd. It was about 400,000 won.
All in all, this would be a great tablet for a kid. One that doesn't have the expectations of an adult. It's not a powerhouse and it definitely cannot compare to the iPad, but I'd rather suffer with it than buy Apple. However, I'm already saving up for my next Droid tablet...and I don't think it will be a TriGem/Averatec product.
2 out of 5 stars.
So there's a new tablet out on the marketplace. Only thing I've found is that there is NO info on it that I can find.
TriGem is a Korean computer/laptop/netbook brand. Personally, I had never heard of the company before. I found out after I bought the product.
Anyway, I'm living in Korea right now and I've been wanting an Android tablet for quite some time, what, being in a country where the Galaxy Tab reigns supreme. However, I don't like the small size of the first Galaxy tab so I was waiting for the Galaxy tab II to come out. But, Korea decided to delay its release (they released it in the states which seems a bit backwards to open in another country first) to decide weather or not to add some television capacities on it or not.
Well, I was impatient so I bought the TriGem, the first large Android tablet out to the Korean public. I nabbed it, thinking I had duped everyone.
On the contrary, I'm a tad disappointed in it. I can't complain though, it IS an Android tablet, but there's just some things that urk me about it.
Let's begin. Okay, I've owned it for about a week and about every time I turn it on it takes about 3 minutes. 3. That's so long to wait for something to turn on. That's like waiting for my computer. It bores me. Also, while yes, you can lock the screen, but if you leave it locked for too long the device turns off by itself. I assume (because there are no English versions of a user manual that I've found because NO ONE who speaks English owns one's not out in the states. Also, the lock is difficult to get to. You have to hold the power button down and hit a button on the screen called suspend, instead of lock). As I said, I think the makers did this as a everyone wants their tablet to turn off when they forget to do it themselves. Personally, I'd rather let it die on accident then have to turn it on and wait 3 minutes again to do a quick music or wifi search or even listen to some tunes.
There's a rotate lock on the top right of the device, right between the power button and the back button. I really LOVE the position of these buttons, but I'd rather have a screen lock button (and one that doesn't shut off my tablet) than a rotate screen one.
There have been times where I turned on the tablet and it had trouble just opening a couple of generic apps like settings, sometimes even freezing and forcing me to turn off the tablet again to make it work.
The native music app annoyed me (though maybe not everyone) because it tried to organize my music...but I organized it already in its folder so I didn't want to mess with it. Luckily, I downloaded an app that lets me play music straight from a folder. Nice.
Alright, other than some starting-up hiccups, the tablet does what you need to do. Now, if you're running too many apps it's going to freeze up again. I had a few apps running in the back and tried to play angry birds but it froze mid shot. However, I'm really anal about my devices and I don't run many apps together at the same time because I'm worried my device will explode. O.o
The sound that comes out of the headset isn't as rich as I'd like. Perhaps a twinge of metallicness and the volume control kind of blows too. The volume buttons are located to the right side of the device on the side. But it's annoying because the click either makes it too loud or too soft. I can't get a good volume while listening to music.
I haven't watched anything on it yet. Perhaps I'll add that later when I've tried.
I've read e-books on it and it's really good for that. The big screen is great for it. The tablet is kind of heavy, but it's not like I'm some Grandpa...I'll survive.
What does it look like? It's quite square, kind of thick, with audio jack, charger jack, usb slot, sd card slot, hdmi slot, on the right side and a jack at the bottom too (I asked my Korean friend right here to read the manual for me and tell me what it's for but he said it's not anything. Just for show. I kind of doubt it but I don't know. It's small, thin and looks kind of like an iPhone jack). It's (the tablet) about as thick as a pen...maybe an inch or a very slight amount more.
All added information is added straight onto the sd card. The device has a very small amount of memory, used primarily for its native apps, widgets and personal information. Oh, and the usb drive only works for syncing. All of the other reviews are going to tell you it has a usb drive, but don't get all excited. It can't read an external hard drive. That's one of the biggest reasons I grabbed it up so fast. I was going to watch all of my videos off of a flash drive. That dream was squashed very quickly when I shoved in my usb drive.
Wait, I can't forget the camera. It's a like...1.3 (I think. My friend can't find it in the manual. Anyway, it's bad, trust me) megapixel camera and there's only one, facing your direction, on the same side as the screen. It sort of makes the bar code scanner app a little difficult, but I've tried it and it works. You definitely aren't going to be taking great pictures with this camera. It also takes video but I haven't even tried and nor am I going to. We all KNOW how that will turn out.
It was cheap though. Comparably about 360 usd. It was about 400,000 won.
All in all, this would be a great tablet for a kid. One that doesn't have the expectations of an adult. It's not a powerhouse and it definitely cannot compare to the iPad, but I'd rather suffer with it than buy Apple. However, I'm already saving up for my next Droid tablet...and I don't think it will be a TriGem/Averatec product.
2 out of 5 stars.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
It's the little things
I was doing my dishes today and for the first time I realized that my cup and soap dish matches.
^^ For some reason I was terribly surprised by this. I also realized that the basket that catches all of my food is made of plastic even though it looks and feels very deceivingly of metal. Lies!
I guess I've just been on autopilot or something. I feel like those things, little, pointless things, shouldn't be so hard to understand. Perhaps it's the fact that they are little pointless things that makes it alright for me to not freak out over it.
My teachers walked into my office yesterday and presented me with the banner they made for the English camp I'm going to be teaching. It was huge, well laid out and even contained a monumental picture of me on it. I was very embarrassed.
They're even going to give it to me at the end of the camp. I think I'll hang it in my bedroom...or living room. That way my dad can look at me every day! ^^
I'm excited to live with my family again. This is the first time we're all three of us going to be living in a house with just us since my father's divorces. It's sort of...liberating. It's just the guys. It's something I remember my dad saying as he started pulling out of the drive of my Washington home. "It's just us guys." Finally it really true.
We've been living with my Grandma for those who don't know. She's right next door though so we can still go have milk and cookies any old time.
I really want to be more family like when I'm home. Go to Grandmas house for dinner ones or week or once every other week. Remember my family members birthday's (seriously, I only know mine! I'm so vain!). Help look after my Grandma. We were kind of nixed out of the rest of my family's group so we should make a pretty thriving one off in our own little corner. The Rouseys! Forgotten but not dead!
I love my family name. It's time to make it worthwhile!
I can't wait to see everyone I've missed for so long. Family. Friends. People actually WORTH my time. Phew. That's a change! :P
Alright America! Get ready. You have a week. GO!
^^ For some reason I was terribly surprised by this. I also realized that the basket that catches all of my food is made of plastic even though it looks and feels very deceivingly of metal. Lies!
I guess I've just been on autopilot or something. I feel like those things, little, pointless things, shouldn't be so hard to understand. Perhaps it's the fact that they are little pointless things that makes it alright for me to not freak out over it.
My teachers walked into my office yesterday and presented me with the banner they made for the English camp I'm going to be teaching. It was huge, well laid out and even contained a monumental picture of me on it. I was very embarrassed.
They're even going to give it to me at the end of the camp. I think I'll hang it in my bedroom...or living room. That way my dad can look at me every day! ^^
I'm excited to live with my family again. This is the first time we're all three of us going to be living in a house with just us since my father's divorces. It's sort of...liberating. It's just the guys. It's something I remember my dad saying as he started pulling out of the drive of my Washington home. "It's just us guys." Finally it really true.
We've been living with my Grandma for those who don't know. She's right next door though so we can still go have milk and cookies any old time.
I really want to be more family like when I'm home. Go to Grandmas house for dinner ones or week or once every other week. Remember my family members birthday's (seriously, I only know mine! I'm so vain!). Help look after my Grandma. We were kind of nixed out of the rest of my family's group so we should make a pretty thriving one off in our own little corner. The Rouseys! Forgotten but not dead!
I love my family name. It's time to make it worthwhile!
I can't wait to see everyone I've missed for so long. Family. Friends. People actually WORTH my time. Phew. That's a change! :P
Alright America! Get ready. You have a week. GO!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
The end of the road...
I wrote a piece of work.
It's about my mom. It's about how angry I am at her. It's also a testament to my detestation of her. I will always despise her. Is this childish? Perhaps. She doesn't deserve me in so many ways. She couldn't be there when I needed her, as a child, and she thinks she can get her way back into my life now that I don't need her to take care of me? Fantastic.
It's not that I don't need a motherly figure in my life. That I'm fine with. I don't need her. Abandonment makes one resentful and I will resent her till the end of my days.
I went through a huge...refinement, of my friends. On facebook I had upwards of 800 friends and through many sweeps I removed a majority of them who I have never talked to or feel that nothing lasting is going to come to our relationship. So far I'm below half of what I have and I'm still sweeping my friends list and removing.
I even removed some friends of mine that are still technically my "friends" but that I just don't want to have anything to do with.
I understand that I'm vain. I want my friends to find me interesting. To invite me to things. To not view me as a last result. So, if after the 20th time of you ditching me, I'm going to have to do something about it. It's obvious you don't care about me okay.
I've also been having this estranged identity crisis that's plunged me into some of the strangest thinking I've ever had. I keep feeling displaced from my watching it from afar. I almost had an attack while I was washing my dishes. My head was swirling around and I felt like I wasn't real.
I don't have panic disorder. That's silly. But everyone sometimes has episodes of panic. Luckily it wasn't to hard to control. I just stopped what I was doing and laid down to clear my head. But it was freaky.
I don't like my solitude.
But I don't have anyone to break it.
I'm trying to enjoy my time alone with myself but it's hard. Sometimes I do but 48 hours straight it hard. Just a hello on the street would be nice.
I'm such an extrovert!
Anyway, this identity crisis has led me to question my family and friends. I removed my step-family finally after I realized that they aren't my family and they abandoned me just like my mom. Sorry. You abandon me once and we're done. I don't want anything to do with you.
I also began to question my name. It was given to me by my mother. When the doctor asked her what she wanted to name me, she said, "What's your name?" So my name doesn't have any particular family meaning. I was supposed to be named William or Author but my mother is a stupid bitch, took drugs to prolong her pregnancy and had me when my family were forced to go back home, my father back to sea (he was in the navy).
There is nothing about my mother that redeems her.
However, speaking to a good friend of mine, Kevin told me that I can make my name worth something. I should take it and spite my mum with it. I guess that's what I'm on a quest to do.
Also, not that anyone really cares but I'm in the process of foreskin reconstruction. It's silly. I have to pull on my wang for an hour a day till my foreskin gets long enough that I can buy a device to attach to the end of my wiener so I don't have to pull on it anymore. There is this technique called t-taping but it involves using a ton of tape on my torso/leg which seems too much for me.
I just like the idea of regaining back something that was taken from me. It wasn't my will to get 50% of the flesh from my dick cut off and if I had had the choice I would n't have let anyone do it. Eh, I was a baby at the time, so it's not like I could stop anyone.
I think circumcision is cruel. It removes nerves that are important (why else would we have them!?). It removes a muscle at the tip of the foreskin that keeps it over the glans penis. It protects the glans penis from irritation and abrasions from pants. It removes a majority of the mucous membrane that keeps the glans penis moist and works as lubrication.
Don't give me bull-shit on hygiene. Back 100 years or more hygiene was a problem. We're in the age of white. Things are clean. If you can't teach your child how to clean their penis/foreskin then perhaps you should reconsider being a parent. If a child is properly instructed and forced to clean their penis then they won't get an infection. Who knows, if they do get an infection perhaps it will prompt them to clean it.
All's I'm saying is give the damn boy the chance to decide. I'd rather be 18 and decide if I want to get my foreskin removed then resent my parents at the age of 18 for not having one and wanting one...not to mention it could take anywhere from 2 to 5 years to regain my foreskin.
I don't understand people who don't get intense about things. Haven't you ever stood for something you stagnant amoeba!?
^^ What a rant. Anyway, off to teach. This is my last week of full classes. Thanks God!
I wrote a piece of work.
It's about my mom. It's about how angry I am at her. It's also a testament to my detestation of her. I will always despise her. Is this childish? Perhaps. She doesn't deserve me in so many ways. She couldn't be there when I needed her, as a child, and she thinks she can get her way back into my life now that I don't need her to take care of me? Fantastic.
It's not that I don't need a motherly figure in my life. That I'm fine with. I don't need her. Abandonment makes one resentful and I will resent her till the end of my days.
I went through a huge...refinement, of my friends. On facebook I had upwards of 800 friends and through many sweeps I removed a majority of them who I have never talked to or feel that nothing lasting is going to come to our relationship. So far I'm below half of what I have and I'm still sweeping my friends list and removing.
I even removed some friends of mine that are still technically my "friends" but that I just don't want to have anything to do with.
I understand that I'm vain. I want my friends to find me interesting. To invite me to things. To not view me as a last result. So, if after the 20th time of you ditching me, I'm going to have to do something about it. It's obvious you don't care about me okay.
I've also been having this estranged identity crisis that's plunged me into some of the strangest thinking I've ever had. I keep feeling displaced from my watching it from afar. I almost had an attack while I was washing my dishes. My head was swirling around and I felt like I wasn't real.
I don't have panic disorder. That's silly. But everyone sometimes has episodes of panic. Luckily it wasn't to hard to control. I just stopped what I was doing and laid down to clear my head. But it was freaky.
I don't like my solitude.
But I don't have anyone to break it.
I'm trying to enjoy my time alone with myself but it's hard. Sometimes I do but 48 hours straight it hard. Just a hello on the street would be nice.
I'm such an extrovert!
Anyway, this identity crisis has led me to question my family and friends. I removed my step-family finally after I realized that they aren't my family and they abandoned me just like my mom. Sorry. You abandon me once and we're done. I don't want anything to do with you.
I also began to question my name. It was given to me by my mother. When the doctor asked her what she wanted to name me, she said, "What's your name?" So my name doesn't have any particular family meaning. I was supposed to be named William or Author but my mother is a stupid bitch, took drugs to prolong her pregnancy and had me when my family were forced to go back home, my father back to sea (he was in the navy).
There is nothing about my mother that redeems her.
However, speaking to a good friend of mine, Kevin told me that I can make my name worth something. I should take it and spite my mum with it. I guess that's what I'm on a quest to do.
Also, not that anyone really cares but I'm in the process of foreskin reconstruction. It's silly. I have to pull on my wang for an hour a day till my foreskin gets long enough that I can buy a device to attach to the end of my wiener so I don't have to pull on it anymore. There is this technique called t-taping but it involves using a ton of tape on my torso/leg which seems too much for me.
I just like the idea of regaining back something that was taken from me. It wasn't my will to get 50% of the flesh from my dick cut off and if I had had the choice I would n't have let anyone do it. Eh, I was a baby at the time, so it's not like I could stop anyone.
I think circumcision is cruel. It removes nerves that are important (why else would we have them!?). It removes a muscle at the tip of the foreskin that keeps it over the glans penis. It protects the glans penis from irritation and abrasions from pants. It removes a majority of the mucous membrane that keeps the glans penis moist and works as lubrication.
Don't give me bull-shit on hygiene. Back 100 years or more hygiene was a problem. We're in the age of white. Things are clean. If you can't teach your child how to clean their penis/foreskin then perhaps you should reconsider being a parent. If a child is properly instructed and forced to clean their penis then they won't get an infection. Who knows, if they do get an infection perhaps it will prompt them to clean it.
All's I'm saying is give the damn boy the chance to decide. I'd rather be 18 and decide if I want to get my foreskin removed then resent my parents at the age of 18 for not having one and wanting one...not to mention it could take anywhere from 2 to 5 years to regain my foreskin.
I don't understand people who don't get intense about things. Haven't you ever stood for something you stagnant amoeba!?
^^ What a rant. Anyway, off to teach. This is my last week of full classes. Thanks God!
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