My brain works non-stop.
Constantly I try to wrangle, or rope it in (to reference my cowboy Kansan up bringin'. Yeeehaaaaw!) if you will, but I try to do things like, you know, sleep or concentrate, and I really just seem avidly incapable of doing so. Instead my mind whirs and turns, thinking up new ideas for what I want to do with my life, my money, my boyfriend.
I didn't mention that. Oh, woops. I have a partner, significant other, 남자친구, bf. I really could ramble on if you'd like. He's a rather cute boy who I'm very excited to be dating. Yes he's Korean. No, English is not his mother tongue. We tough it out to say the least.
However, because of presaid bf, I seem to be low on funds. Let's face it, who wants to say indoors all the time (though, staying indoors has it's benefits. Eh...EEEH *nudge* *wink*)? However, our pure minds seek entertainment elsewhere, and where else better than the other side of my strangely arranged (my apartment is funky and oblonged shaped) four walls.
I can't complain. What a thrilling way to use my money!
I recently got a perm. Want to see it? Take a look.
It was a nice, do-it-once-in-my-life, sort of opportunity, so now I look like an adjuma as my students so kindly put (means old lady...or ma'am if we want to get technical). Let's just say I don't think I'll be permin' it up every 6 months for the rest of my life.
They changed my classroom (which granted, was more of a library and less of a classroom) into a homeroom classroom, so guess where they decided to stick me?
I've never felt less at home in a closet in my life.
Now, the closet is quite large though. It's probably the size of a nice office, but it's packed full of stuff no one knew what to do with. That, and it's also the sound room, so the main speaker system is there. To cherry top it all off, the strictly speaking Korean adjuma (what does that mean kids?) cleaning lady shares the office with me. So, atop of getting a nice view of traditional garb, drums and the sound system, I'm constantly bathed in the waters of awkward, language barrier induced silence. Joys.
It had been ages without a computer set up in there, and though I continually to almost throat-throttling annoyance reminded my superiors I was without a computer, my pleas seemed to fall on conveniently deaf ears (wait, is that the sound of tea being stirred? How leaps and bounds more riveting then listening to the foreign English teacher. Excuse me. *tink* *tink*).
So, I rolled up my sleeves and took the very proud initiative to assembled the computer that is now resting quietly in my office/closet/catch-all room-thing. I say assemble because, well, I did just that. At times I felt that my assembly was more of a quest or scavenger hunt more than anything else. I had to find an outlet amidst mountains of boxes. Find an extension cord. Locate a monitor (there were four in my room but I had to find an actually working one), mouse (which involved me nicking one from one of the plethora in the computer lab..huhuh!) and discovering the location of an ethernet cable.
Finally, upon full completion of my task, I got the tech guy to come in and hook up internet onto my Frankenstein beauty (HE LIVES!). Regrettably, I had to leave to catch my train, so I didn't get the chance to see my creation in full working order, but I'm crossing my fingers for some internet tomorrow. Score!
As for anything else that has been happening in my life? Well, luckily there is much time in it (in regards to my life...I hope [in regards to the time left in my afore mentioned life]) and thusly, will have many more blogs to fill up in the mean time. So, cheers, adieu, yack atchya later, toodles (must this carry on again!?) ciao, anyeong, deuces, etc., etc....