Saturday, August 28, 2010


My time in Korea has been short. Despite that, I have felt in love with this country, and have felt twinging pangs of distaste for it. I've both enjoyed learning Korean culture, and found it revolting. I've eaten delicious foods, and wondered why anyone would think of eating that!

For the majority, I believe it has thus far been a positive experience. I miss my friends I made back in Jochiwon and Yangyang orientations, but I'm glad I'm slowly but surely getting to know my way around Chuncheon.

I've been having trouble with my camera, hence the lack of pictures, but I'd like to begin integrating images into my blog in an effort to make it more interesting.

Let's begin with my phone.

Cute right. Despite it's obvious brickishness, it works well enough for what I need. The charm on it is my bus pass for Chuncheon bus transit system. Trust me, I've had my bad experiences with transit systems, but never quite so bad till I reached Chuncheon.

My mentor teacher failed to tell me that there are two number 67 buses, one that goes in one direction, the other, in the opposite direction. Regrettably I got on the wrong bus and rode it until the driver told me to get off in broke English. There I was, in a foreign city, unable to speak any words aside from kamsahapnida (thank you ) and ahneyonghaseyoh (hello), giant books in toe, walking the streets of Chuncheon.

Frustrated, I climbed in a cab and said Namchuncheon Yok, which is the nearest landmark to my apartment, a train station. The previous day I had missed the bus and tried to take a taxi to my school. Unfortunately, the taxi driver had no idea what I was saying in my poor pronunciation of Korean, and so tried to take me into the heart of the city. Instead I changed to Home Plus and walked about 3 or 4 miles to my school. Shit.

Thankfully it's all figured out now.

But now I'm in my apartment and it's pretty rad.

I hope everything turns out well while I'm here. I'll put another blog about my Yangyang orientation. My timelines suck because it's easier to talk about what happened recently :P. That and I'm limited to five pictures per blog, so I can't put too many more up.

I'll keep you posted!


  1. hey!! It's Charlene..I'm following your blog!! I realized it's good to go out and walk around your city that way if you are dropped off somewhere u will know your way back...or if you need to take a taxi you can recognize landmarks..I learned because I had to take a taxi and thankfully i went walking the other day and recognized where I was.'re not limited to 5 pics per post..I thought that too before...when we skype I will show u how to post more per post!
