I had been debating it for an exorbitant length of time, but I've decided, why not, I'll learn Korean.
Trust me my friends and faithful followers that it has not been a cake walk but a slippery winding slope filled with pitfall errors and blush-worthy mistakes. Yet onwards I trudge through the illogical grammar structured forests of Hangul, machete pen in hand, hacking at the oncoming vocabulary that assaults me like flies to a steamy pile of curly Korean poo.
Though I travel through this safari, this jungle, this wilderness of an unknown language, though I'll suffer from bruised pride and bloody moral understanding, though I shall never resurface unscathed and unchanged, I will survive. Will I be the same Steven you have grown to love? Time is our only judge.
Korean is really hard! :) When I first arrived in Korea, I decided I would learn it, then I got here and was like, "Umm...no," and haven't touched the subject with a 10 foot chopstick since.
Now that I've been here for six months, I believe it's time to reclaim my abandoned sword and rejoin the language fray (how many metaphors can I come up with?)! At the present moment I am attempting to be diligent in my studies and conducive to a learning environment in my apartment so that I can learn it quickly, efficiently and correctly (I hope).
I'm getting hung up on a few technicalities of the language, but I CAN formulate very, very, very rudimentary and elementary sentences, such as "I'm meeting my friend," and "I'm going home." Not fluent, but I have to say for Koreans intense difficulty, I'm pretty damn proud of myself! >.>
I went to Seoul with my friend Caitlin (featured above with none other than your humble author) to go see my friend Suhyun (feature below...devoid of me :/)
I was really glad we went, cause I haven't seen that Korean hoe since I was in the states. I missed her so much! She's kind of a little light in my life. My first Hangookeo Sansangnim (Korean Teacher) was Suhyun. It's because of her I can read Hangul. She holds a special place in my heart <3. :P
So, blah, blah, blah, we went out to a cafe in Insadong (one of the oldest streets in Koera! ooooo ahhhhh) and had tea and chatted for a really long time about home (Korea and Independence (where I was last in the states) respectively), learning Korean, life in general and where we were living now. It was oodles of fun and rainbow sunshine.
Me with my tea...scrumptious...the tea I mean. I know what all of YOU were thinking. :P
Caitlin's. It was supposed to be rose flavored but I'm pretty sure they mixed it with grass flavor. Just saying. It tasted like I licked a soccer field.
Suhyun's. Yummy citrus! :P
Mine. Apparently Chinese pear? It was good though!
Following tea we went to this pretty stellar mini shopping mall where we played around in stores. These are some of the most beautiful pictures I have EVER TAKEN!
Me. I'm Harry Potter, remember.
Caitlin. God yes!
Me, lookin' the epitome of the word sexy. Mhmmm. I know whachyou all sayin' 'bout mah boooodeh.
Then, we went out to eat! Eating is fun! We all do it! So you can all relate! Doesn't it seem like I'm screaming with all of these exclamation points!?
(You shall get no pictures of this, seeing as blogger wants to be a fag and not upload my damned pictures!)
But of course, we topped off our entire meet and greet with a little noreabang. You know, cause we classy like that.
This is the only adequate picture I could find. The rest make us look oh so terrible. I won't subject anyone to that torture!
Suhyung sang Telephone by the Gag. :P I love you Suhyun!
Caitlin and I proceeded home. We took the subway, but of course we got stuck 20 minutes out of Seoul and had to stay in a love Motel.
Well, I've already blogged about that bit. I just wanted to elaborate on seeing the Korean LOVE OF MY LIFE (I really hope she reads this and I win brownie points :P)!
Will your fearless narrator ever return from the deep trenches of the Hangul unknown, or with he be torn limb from limb by ruthless, cut-throat Korean? We shall see my friends. We. Shall. See...