Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ignorance is bliss?

Would you rather be lied to or just have someone be blatantly honest?

Both aren't the kindest means to the same end, but you just have to wonder.

I've been writing a lot of blogs lately. I just try to write when something's on my mind. Perhaps an explanation for the workings of my brain.

Recently I've had this question bouncing around the hard walls of my noggin (*ping**ping**ping*) and have really been considering if I'd rather someone lie to me or just flat out slap me in the face with the wet fish of honesty.

Example. Let's say your truly considering someone as a potential partner. YOU are. Irregardless of the other individuals feelings, that is your intent when you go to meet this person for, let's say, coffee (I'm not trying to outline a personal previous experience here, I just like coffee and going out for it :/).

Now, over your steaming mug of blazing hot coffee, you realize that you have no idea how the other person feels about this interactivity. You decide that now is as good a time as any to just bring it up so we can get to the sleeping together bit and not worry about all the messy stuff.

Is it better for the individual sitting across from you to be honest and say, "I know that you came here for coffee really to try and have a relationship with me, but I'm really not into it. I just want to have sex." or to lie and say, "I hope by us having sex later you don't feel like I'm using you," when in fact they are and are just trying to make you feel better when they buy your coffee for you.

Ahh, the question of it all. Sentence A I guess would put me off a little before bed time and leaves room for the potential of poor performance in the bed, seeing as I already know how everything is going to play out. Sentence B instills a shred of hope that, hey, maybe this could actually go somewhere for once.

I think I know what I'D rather hear in this play out. While sentence A is initially a bit cold hearted, at the very least the person is just being honest. They're letting you know where they stand and aren't trying to sugar coat anything. Besides, you still have the right to say, "Oh, well that's not what I'm looking for," and walk away from your coffee (but it was freeeee :().

Sentence A on the other hand, is a bit more heart shattering. With the inception (what a great movie) of the possibility of a potential relationship, comes the following thoughts that run through your mind. Did I perform well? I hope I'm not coming on too strong. Would I sound stupid if I said that? Is it alright to go to the toilet now? When will he/she get back to me? Is it bad to message him/her now or is it too soon? Why did I say THAT!? And then, finally, after it all, they never get back to you and for a few days your wondering if it meant SOMETHING between the two of you or not, because regrettably, it DID mean something to one of the party members because the truth was not outlined in the syllabus.

It's just safer to go with A. Leave the guess work at home kids, and be grown up adults. never know how something is going to play out though. Sometimes, we can over-analyze things, it's part of being human. But sometimes, sometimes the truth is just a little bit more obvious, even if not presented right off the bat.


  1. honesty for me, hurts less in the long run

  2. honesty for me too. but nowadays finding honest people is so difficult...*sigh*

  3. ...Damn. :) I guess we'll be all right. :P

  4. *Did you know "irregardless" is not an actual word? It has the same meaning as "regardless" so the "ir" is there for no reason. It's one of those things like "could of" (could have). People just get it wrong all the time.
    *individual's OR individuals'

    How's that for honesty? HAH! XD

    Seriously, though, there is a difference between white lies and full out lies., I want my boyfriend to say I look good even if I'm a little gross. xD (It's something Masato doesn't quite understand yet) There is a thing as too much honesty, but I'd rather it than a bunch of lies.
