Thursday, May 20, 2010

Michael C. Hall is so gorgeous.

I've been wanting to be really deep lately...

...ahhh I got nothing!

There's something very relieving in the end of school. I know it stereotypical of pretty much everyone who attends school but...I'm so glad it's over. I'm only sad that I've got classes on the's coming back so fast!

The TaLK office in Chicago sent all of our info (Carlie, Caitlin and I) to Seoul. We've decided that's a good omen. After all, if they didn't like us in Chicago, we don't think it would have sent our info off to good stuff!

Video games and dead television serious are the primary element in my life these days. Living with Carlie and Caitlin...I thought I'd be hanging out with them more...I guess seeing each other all the time makes hanging out sort of droll so we don't actually see each other that often. It kind of makes me laugh how much I try to talk to them at home and how bored I can tell they are that I'm there! :P

Buuuut I'm taking a trip to Hutch this weekend which I hope will give us all a break. I miss some friends back home and I'm excited to see them...except that I said I'd hang out with Michael Friday but I'll be leaving then...I totally forgot! Haha! Oh well, he won't read this so no big deal.

I hope I've got a job lined up for me when I get back...but I've got first day of classes on Monday...:/ I'm not totally excited to be taking Algebra at 8:00 A.M. MTWTR but...what do you do. I need to graduate. That and I've got art appreciation online. Ew.

I've noticed this is the first blog I've made in a while...and how utterly pointless and fucking boring it I need to get a life! :)

In the mean time...I'm going to go watch Six Feet Under. Michael C. Hall is so gorgeous.


  1. Michael C Hall IS gorgeous, and wonderful. And it's not that I'm bored, I'm usually tired or don't know what to do.

  2. Come on, you know that I'm bored ALL the time XD
