Monday, June 6, 2011

The life

Let's be honest here. Boyfriends can be rather debilitating. That being said, it's still nice to have someone to come home to when you're done with school. Someone you can call up and tell to get the laundry out of the wash (oops, I need to go do that!). Someone to say, okay, start boiling the noodles now, I'll be home in 10 minutes. It was nice.

Today marks my third day of singularity. My first break up in Korea from my first ever Korean boy. Will there ever be another? Who knows? I'm going home in August. If Korea can call to me hard enough, maybe I'll return.

But there are so many things that are so backwards about this place! ^^ Not that that is necessarily bad. It just makes me miss home that much more.

My first night out single I went out to dinner with my Korean teacher YoonKyeong and her friend Eoreum (pronounced Autumn). We went to this really cute pasta place in Chuncheon's Myeongdong called Kitchen. I was really surprised that I got full because the plate of food was so rinky dinky. I guess that's pasta expanding in your stomach for you. What's funny is at the end they gave us frozen whip cream and called it ice cream. Do NOT lie to me, who comes from a place were whip cream is plentiful and used too much. I know okay. I know.

We proceeded to go clothes shopping in the underground mall. Cheap prices, cool temperature to escape the heat (though by that time it was beginning to cool down outside as well), and tons of people in a subway-like area. Picture that in your noggin. However, going shopping was something I haven't done since I got a boyfriend, so I had to get back in my game, but once I did I was having fun making fun of hideous clothes and making YoonKyeong and Autumn laugh. It was surprisingly more fun than I thought because I didn't buy anything. I'm still too poor. But, I was a good fag and helped out YoonKyeong as she bought some cute stuff, of course guided by the hand of yours truly.

After that we went to a western bar to go see a cutie that YoonKyeong was crushing slightly on but when we got there we discovered to our intent dissatisfaction that he had quit a few days earlier. Paul met up with us eventually, but I went home early to nurse a cold that was brewing in my throat (that sounds dirty).

Speaking of that cold, it's continued for two more days now, getting a little more worse! My voice is now quite weak and sounds very very prepubescent boy-ish. Also I woke up to either snort out or cough up the thickest mucus EVER! I was almost drowning in that shit. It was so gross and it has such a strange taste....O.o

Maybe it's gross of me to talk about it. *shrugs*

Now with what I'm going to do in two months very set in stone (I bought the plane ticket so it means it's FINAL!) I'm beginning to deduce the items of which I will leave for the next scholar, give away to my nice foreign neighbors (who I went out to eat with last night and let me tell you, they are good company! They're from Missouri so of course we get along...wait...isn't there a big rivalry between Kansas and Missouri or is that only in Kansas City? Oh well, they're nice so fuck it!), and which that I'll attempt to pack in my suit case.

I bought an xbox 360 so packing that is going to be a bitch. I can just feel it.

I miss my friend Kevin. In fact, he's who I feel the worst about leaving. He and I get along so well! He has a special place in mah <3. I wish I could bundle him up and put in my pocket! :(

Upon arriving at home I have so much to do, including fix some relationships (it's going to be rather difficult), try to be a kinder and more giving and gracious person (part of the fixing some relationships thing), make sure I own a car that doesn't feel like it's going to explode if I drive it a block, get a job for the next six months, finish my "verification" by the IRS, and enroll at Wichita State University. What a busy time I have ahead of me.

At least I'll be in a place where I can BREATHE (look up Korean yellow dust on Google).

Alright, I have to go get ready for school now...not that I'm going to be much of a teacher today with my cracking voice. The kids already make fun of me enough as it is. They're bound to be little shits about my voice today. Oh kids, golden little fuckers aren't they? :P

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