Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pillars of salt

I think it's bad when you're dating someone and you're just waiting for that opportune moment to break up. Am I particularly picky? I don't know. I seem to just date ANYONE and find out later that they're fuckin' crazy.

Don't get me wrong. My relationship with my last boyfriends started off great. He was really sweet, kind of naive and sexy. What wasn't there to like.

But always it seems those good things begin to spiral with the bad. Soon, the good stuff gets tainted by the black and I can't tell between the good and the bad anymore, it's just all bad.

Childishness is not forgivable in a relationship and should be done with by now in my age group. I mean, yes, technically we are still quite young. At times I myself can be quite childish, but ignoring me when we have a disagreement only pisses me off. Talking is much more productive. We get things taken care of, we talk it out, all's good.

It is exhausting trying to please someone who is never pleased. Like, you hang out with friends, they require your attention. You hang out with friends they have to make sure you aren't cheating. Those things are ridiculous. I should be trusted enough to hang out with my friends without being attacked by a barrage of texts and phone calls. ESPECIALLY the cheating thing. I'd never even imagine cheating on my boyfriend. If I want to sleep with someone else, I'll say, "Hey, I gotta be single cause I need to go hit that." I'm at least THAT polite about it.

Your poor family life should not translate to the way you treat your friends and significant others. You had a bad life, alright, I'm sad, but the second you use it as an excuse I already think less of you. Having a bad life doesn't make you a charity case. It doesn't mean I'm going to treat you differently than everyone else. You aren't special just because you thinking you're special gives you the ability to live your life. Pop that damn bubble you're living in!

Dating a college student is stupid unless you're a college student yourself. If you're BOTH poor, then it's okay, but if one of you makes money and the other doesn't, you better not even start that relationship. Me, making money and my ex not meant guess who was the fool who paid for everything?

There are just certain lines I believe shouldn't be crossed for many years. Money is one of them. That remains personal. Half everything for a really long time. If one gets in the mindset that the they can use the other, then it's bad on the relationship. Friends remains personal. It's okay to mix friends, but they can't be included all the time. Friends can't get in the middle of a relationship.

Not only that but I'm pretty sure my ex made a fake facebook profile and a fake friend. He didn't create it for me, but it seems he created the profile a long time ago and used it to make his other friends and his exes jealous of him. Why shouldn't they be? Whenever one of his friends or exes did something that he didn't like he would message about some fun thing he was going to do with this friend. This friend that he created was his best friend...and it's really sad that this friend was just himself.

Unfortunately I can't 100% confirm this, but I'm pretty sure I'm right...which adds a whole nother creepiness level to our entire relationship. Lies and cheats are not a good basis for a stable relationship. It's like building a house on pillars of salt.

1 comment:

  1. ooh imaginary friend.
    leave the psychos, stay with the normal peeps!
