Thursday, April 8, 2010

Get Comfortable

Contrary to popular belief, you will not turn gay if you accidentally touch me. No, you cannot 'catch the gay' so you don't have to go to such lengths to avoid me. I've never understood one's capacity of retaining ignorance and immaturity. Something I always figured (and perhaps I was wrong to figure it) is that we do this awesome thing called, grow up. As we mature we are supposed to grow out of common misconceptions and false allegations. We ought to be able to construe with the processes of our own brains what is right and wrong, correct and false, blah, blah, blah etc. ad nauseum.

There are those select few (or maybe I mean many) that seem to exist outside of the perimeters of my conscious understanding. Those people who find me physically revolting only because of this simple, unchanging and undecided factor: I'm gay.

I'm not complaining. Sure, it'd be great to like women so that I wouldn't be a sore splinter sticking out of society's thumb, but regrettably homosexuality is not a decided thing. Don't believe me? Go to the American Psychologists Association's web site ( and search up homosexuality. Everything you find there will be CERTIFIED psychologists saying that homosexuality is not chosen by the individual and is instead a trait formed at early childhood before sexual desires originate. In other words, I was gay before I even knew it. It is a complex series of environmental and hormonal factors that cause homosexuality and it CANNOT be changed through any means.

I've accepted that I'm gay. It's simple to believe in something when you can see hard facts right in front of you. That's the way I've grown to realize I am. I'm the kind of person who hates being duped, so I'm not going to just blindly believe something until I've seen enough facts. Sorry folks.

I was inspired to write this by the fact that I'm in the midsts of getting a homosexuality speech ready for my Developmental Psychology class...and because in the past few days I've had the hint that I'm avoided because of my sexuality. It's hard not to notice when you see someone make an over exaggerated B line to keep from making contact with you.

Get comfortable with yourself. That's the only advice I can give to people who don't like gay people. We're here and we aren't going anywhere. You'll just have to get used to us. So get comfortable with your own sexuality and stop ragging on those who are. You're fucking with my chi.


  1. Who's avoiding you because you're gay?

  2. People in my dorm. They're so annoying...:/

  3. man, fuck those guys! ...I mean, not litterally. They'd have to touch you for sure then.... too awkward? I'm out of practice. I gotta get my mix right again... O.o

    :) I love you! I'm sorry people are lame sometimes. totally their loss, though. Just so you know...

  4. Lol! Thanks Tabor!

    Totally their loss. Look at this piece of ass they can't hit...O.o...
