Friday, March 5, 2010

Korea + a rant. Oh the workings of my brain.

I'm terribly excited for the TaLK program! Last night I was at the Shires and they showed me some youtube vid's of TaLK scholars and it seems so exciting! I cant wait to be on my own, really living life and having fun and influencing young minds!

I feel like it will be a refreshing change for my life. We're getting all of our things together (like criminal records, letters of recommendations etc.) and that part is a tad stressful. But other then that, I'm stoked. I hope I get accepted!

So I'm writing this blog in my Developmental Psychology class before class starts, and I'm witnessing something that really rubs me the wrong way.

People have so many children! And they're people who shouldn't have them. There is a ridiculously rude, loud and annoying hickish (not that being a hick is bad) woman in my class who is too naive to even take care of herself, let alone two children. Not only that but she brought them to class! It would be different I think if they were babies. But they are both old enough to be in school and I don't understand why they aren't and are instead in their mothers college courses disrupting paying students.

I was dropping some eves (tehe, what a funny way to say that) and she threatened to lock her children up in the car! WTF woman! At least have some ounce of dignity to not emotionally abuse your children in front of me. God! Why do people who don't further society have children to only help breed un-sociologically intelligent individuals! These kids will grow up to be just as much of a failure as she is.

I know it's harsh of me to say all this, but I have to be honest. It makes me sick to my stomach. I wish more intelligent people would have children. I wish that there was a test you had to take to bear children so that we could possibly weed out some of the ankle-biter bad choices we have scurrying around masquerading as children!

To end, just stop having sex unintelligent people. You plague my planet. :P


  1. Eaves-dropping, lol

    Your blog reminds me of that movie Idiocracy, where smart people are too intelligent and decide against having kids whereas stupid people breed like rabbits and overpopulate the world. It's hilarious. But, yea, I'm excited for Korea, too!!!
